
Expect the unexpected.

The further you distance yourself from your expectations, the more exhilarating your life will become.

Though a situation in which you find yourself may not correspond to your initial wants, needs, or goals, ask yourself how you can make the most of it and then do your best to adapt. Your life's journey will likely take many unpredicted and astonishing twists because you are willing to release your expectations.


The knitt dress....photographed.


My new favourite....the welding mask!


To live it like you want to....

So many of us are taught to accept what we are given and not even to dream of anything more. But our hopes and dreams are the universe whispering to us, planting an idea of what's possible while directing us toward the best use of our gifts. The universe truly wants to give us our hearts' desires, but we need to be clear about what they are and ask for them.

To ask for something does not mean to beg or plead from a place of lack or unworthiness. Once we have a clear vision of what we desire, we simply step into the silent realm where all possibilities exist and let our desires be known. Whatever methods we use to become still, it is important that we find the quiet space between our thoughts.

From that still and quiet place, we can announce our intentions to the pure energy of creation.


Portraits..using flash.


It's how you live it that makes it life.

There is no secret recipe for happiness and contentment.
The individuals who move through life joyously have not necessarily been blessed with lives of abundance, love, success, and prosperity.
Such people have, however, been blessed with the ability to take the circumstances they've been handed and make them into something great.
Our individual realities are colored by perception-delight and despair come from within rather than without. Situations we regard as fortuitous please us while situations we judge inauspicious cause us no end of grief.
Yet if we can look at all we have accomplished without dwelling on our perceived misfortune and make each new circumstance our own, the world as a whole becomes a brighter place.


The final night...nothing other than Pachas....

You'll notice it's the romantic green ambiance light that really makes this place special...

Whoops...made ya look.

the friendly french canadian priest from timmins....

walking down the moutain of olives

a very fiesty salesman!

Inside the halls of the austrian hospice...also the local for d.saywes!!!!

Muslim familes paint their houses like this after someone has made the journey to mecca....

Within the old city walls....

Harmony in the Old city!

What a joke! Cousin wilf had to go hang out in the old city and so i tagged along..only to find out that abc news had sent Diana Saywer to explore Jerusalem from within the old city...glad she chose three differernt kids from each of the three major religions to sing songs together...because they really love one another...check out the jewish boy, the muslim girl and the christian girl...oh and just for kicks! she originally wanted them all singing one song together....duhhh..they don't all know the same religious songs, let alone in the same language!!!!

Floating in the sea that is dead

A view to kill.

Welcome to J-RUS-SALEM........