
changing it all up.

SO ....I guess its been a while since i last wrote....and i'm feeling like i need to get a bunch of stuff on the table.

my mum and younger sister just left to head back to little old canada....and for the first time in i don't know when i am alone...in my apartment, listening to music, not really having anything to do, and it feels wonderful.

oh wait, i'm leaving for barcelona tommorrow, so therefore, i guess i have to pack, and get some things together...

doesn't it stink when you love someone who doesn't love you back?
it stinks even more when all you want is someone to want you and they don't.......

lately my eyes have been opened...and i've been thinking thinking thinking. i think i'm going to go day by day. step by step. one foot in front of the other because otherwise, i start to get confused, and i start thinking too much, and wiating, and wanting and expecting....and sometimes, it's better to just do, for you......and see what else comes along with your happiness, after all, when someone throws you a ball, you don't have to catch it.

if this means anything to anyone....let me know:

Knowledge is a sword,
but it's also protection.
For what is important,
and this should be mentioned:

It's not the sharp words,
the claws of the fangs,
It's what we do to ourselves
that causes the angst.

There are few happy endings
all tied up in bows.
A full life is marked
by the highs and the lows.

And maybe it's just about
finding our way
Through all those wonderful
shades of gray.


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