We lost Sarah, but we gained little AMODO HAYATT, arabic for travelling life......he crossed our path as we were in the atlas mountains, in a car...and mayra ran out and picked him up, the second we laid eyes on him, he was ours.... he was pretty much the CUTEST little husky/morrocan mutt of a dog.....although he did have bowel problems, hence the sweet catch i got in my palm one morning!!!!!! GOD BLESS YOU MUNCHKIN.
faithful readers, watcher and lovers.
i've arrived in toronto after a whirlwind of a trip to morrocco.
the pictures are coming..so just stay tuned.
i'm happy to be alive.
i hope everyone's time with santa was as good as mine.
i've arrived in toronto after a whirlwind of a trip to morrocco.
the pictures are coming..so just stay tuned.
i'm happy to be alive.
i hope everyone's time with santa was as good as mine.