
online portfolio

I have decided to create an online portfolio just for work.


check it out...it's pretty temporary right now, but it'll be full by the time i send in all my applications.

just a thought

Although it is not always possible to work through all of our issues in a single lifetime, it is important that we confront what we are called to face in this life and do the work we need to do. It is also important to remember that the most effective way to let your soul grow is to be an active participant in life. Be present in each moment and your soul will do this work for you.


Good vibrations....

Feelings vibrate, just as all things in the universe do, at a particular frequency. Negative feelings like anger, guilt, and depression vibrate at low frequencies, while positive feelings like HAPPINESS, appreciation, and passion vibrate at high frequencies. These high frequency vibrations make us feel good. This is why people and places that inspire and cultivate positive feelings have what we call good vibrations.


i'm feeling those vibrations.....back in PARIS LAND.




a little bit of life- RAGE ON.

An old collage, now framed.

inspiration from tough situations.

a recent work.


Put those running shoes AWAY.

There are times when change—moving to a new city or a new home, or changing schools—is the right thing at the right time. But there are also times when the urge for change is really just a desire to run away from problems that need to be faced rather than avoided.

Any pain involved in facing our issues is well worth the effort in the end. When we face our problems instead of avoiding them, we free our energy and transform ourselves from people who run away into people who move enthusiastically forward